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Control group of the electrical and computer engineering department of Tarbiat Modares University is the first such group in Iran that has aligned itself to the needs of the automation industry by establishing "industrial automation" branch along with "control theory". This group focuses on research in new cutting-edge areas and exchange of ideas and scientific findings by hosting scientific conventions and conferences. Research interests of the staff, span major theoretical and applied control engineering areas. Active theoretical research is carried out in fields of robust control, nonlinear control, adaptive control, system identification, control of chaotic systems, control of communication networks, intelligent systems, process control, fault tolerant control and discrete event systems. Also students work on applied fields such as industrial systems and automation, instrumentation, communication networks, mechatronics and robotics, biological systems and modelling and control of diseases. This group is also very active in interdisciplinary research and the staff have played an important role in creation of interdisciplinary groups such as "mechatronics", "bio-computations" and "intelligent buildings and structures'.