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    A Study of French Language Teaching in Iran in Light of Chaos/Complexity Theory

    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    Integrating MALL into the Classroom: The Cultural and Pedagogical Impact of Authentic Podcasts on FFL Learners’ Listening and Speaking Skills

    Leili Kassaie, Hamid Reza Shairi, Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi
    Journal PaperInternational Journal of Society, Culture & Language , 2021 January 10, {Pages 17-Jan }


    One way to develop language skills in FFL (French as a foreign language) learners is to surround them with authentic materials. This study aimed at enhancing the listening and speaking skills of Iranian FFL learners through the integration of MALL (Mobile-assisted language learning) in the form of podcasts into FFL courses. The main advantage of integrating authentic podcasts as an educational instrument lies in the variety, accessibility, and the rich content it provides. Repeated measure analysis of variances was administered to find out any significant change in the level of listening and speaking skills of the participants throughout five sessions. At the end of each session, a self-evaluation survey was implemented to evaluate the part

    Studying the Effects of Employing Network Thinking Approach on Learning Culture of French Language Learners

    Azadeh Fesanghari, HamidReza Shairi, Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi, Roya Letafati
    Journal PaperLanguage and Translation Studies (JLTS) , 2021 January 26, {Pages }


    The relationship between teaching/learning procedure and culture has attracted the attention of teaching experts during the last few decades; according to these researchers, teaching/learning procedure is a phenomenon which is formed in the context of society and is controlled by cultural factors and variables: this is why the effects of cultural variables on teaching/learning procedure cannot be overlooked. Thus, the current research aims to study the cultural characteristics of Iranian language learners on the one hand, and explore the possibility of changing these cultural characteristics on the other hand. In order to achieve the research goals and finding an efficient, practical pattern in French language teaching/learning procedure, t

    Strat?gie Didactique en Production Ecrite et le Fonctionnement de la M?moire de Travail chez les Adultes

    Leila GHARAHBEIGI, Mahmoud Reza GASHMARDI, Hamid Reza SHAIRI
    Journal PaperRecherches en Langue et Litt?rature Fran?aises , Volume 14 , Issue 26, 2021 January , {Pages 104-119 }


    Effet de la conception du contenu par la technologie sur l’apprentissage interactif du FLE en Iran

    MRG Mobina GHANBARINIA, Roohollah RAHMATIAN, Privash SAFA
    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    Stratégie Didactique en Production Ecrite et le Fonctionnement de la Mémoire de Travail chez les Adultes

    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    Enjeux de la contextualisation de la classe invers?e chez les apprenants du FLE en Iran

    Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi, Bita Hashemiannejad, Hamid Reza Shairi, Rouhollah Rahmatian
    Journal PaperAlternative Francophone , Volume 2 , Issue 5, 2020 February 14, {Pages 65-90 }


    L’av?nement des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans la vie quotidienne et professionnelle nous pousse ? profiter des avantages de l’acc?s ? ces outils dans le domaine de l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du fran?ais en Iran. Les TIC nous conduisent ? une nouvelle interp?n?tration des lieux et des pratiques de formation. Gr?ce aux classes invers?es, les contextes traversent les quatre murs de la classe. La fa?on de ?faire la classe? se transforme en un mod?le plus pratique encourageant des m?thodes p?dagogiques et des activit?s interactives pendant le temps pr?cieux de la classe. Le partage des savoirs, la r?gulation de l’apprentissage par des partenaires p?dagogiques et l’interactivit? augmentent da

    Exploitation des textes litt?raires pour d?velopper la comp?tence pragmatique des apprenants du FLE en Iran

    Seyedeh Yasmin SAJADI, Roya LETAFATI, Mahmoud Reza GASHMARDI, Parivash SAFA
    Journal PaperPlume , Volume 16 , Issue 31, 2020 January , {Pages 219-224 }


    Challenges of the french literature curriculum at the bachelor’s level in Iran

    E Alizadeh, R Letafati, H Shairi, M Gashmardi
    Journal PaperFrench Language and Translation Research, 2 (1) , 2020 January , {Pages 188-169 }


    Enjeu de l’interaction dans les classes virtuelles du FLE en Iran

    MR Gashmardi, P Safa, R RAHMATIAN
    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    Enjeux de la contextualisation de la classe inversée chez les apprenants du FLE en Iran

    MR Gashmardi, B Hashemiannejad, HR Shairi, R Rahmatian
    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    Exploitation des textes littéraires pour développer la compétence pragmatique des apprenants du FLE en Iran

    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    Acquiring Oral Communication Skill without Explicit Knowledge: a Neurolinguistics Approach

    Elham MOHAMMADI, Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Hamidreza Shairi
    Journal PaperLanguage Related Research , Volume 10 , Issue 4, 2019 October 10, {Pages 31-54 }


    The neurolinguistic approach (NLA) is a new pedagogical approach to foreign language learning conceptualized by Netten & Germain in 1997 in Canada. This pedagogical approach is based on recent researches in neurolinguistics, especially Michel Paradis’s neuro-linguistic theory of bilingualism. The NLA started to be used outside Canadian territories for teaching learning of French as a foreign language (FFL) both in institutional and academic setting starting from 2010. Before that, the NLA was used-and still is-in Canada as the basic approach of the intensive French program (FI) for young English-speaking and adolescents from 11 to 17 years old in school context. In NLA, the main principle is to develop the ability to communicate orally wi

    Les romans de Daniel Pennac, au service de l’enseignement du FLE

    Motahareh MORADIAN SORKHI, Roya LETAFATI, Hamid Reza SHAIRI, Mahmoud Reza GASHMARDI
    Journal PaperPlume , Volume 14 , Issue 28, 2019 January , {Pages 81-102 }


    Impact de l'Approche Neurolinguistique sur l'apprentissage des apprenants du fran?ais langue ?trang?re en Iran

    Elham Mohammadi, Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Hamidreza Shairi
    Journal PaperRevue des tudes de la Langue Franaise , Volume 10 , Issue 2, 2018 January , {Pages 51-66 }


    La p?dagogie invers?e en FLE: impact sur l’apprentissage des enfants

    Mahmoud Reza GASHMARDI, Razieh SADEGHPOUR
    Journal PaperPlume , Volume 14 , Issue 27, 2018 January , {Pages 71-88 }


    Revue des ?tudes de la Langue Fran?aise

    Elham Mohammadi, Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi, Rouhollah Rahmatian, Hamidreza Shairi
    Journal Paper , 2018 January , {Pages }


    L’Approche Neurolinguistique (ANL) a ?t? con?ue par deux chercheurs/professeurs canadiens, Netten et Germain en 1997 au Canada. ? l’heure actuelle (2018), l’ANL s’ est r?pandue dans diff?rents milieux, en Chine, au Japon, en Taiwan et en France tant dans le milieu institutionnel qu’universitaire. Les strat?gies d’enseignement pr?n?es dans l’ANL d?coulent notamment des neurosciences, en particulier, de la th?orie neurolinguistique du bilinguisme de Paradis. Dans l’ANL, la primaut? est accord?e au d?veloppement de la grammaire interne (habilet? ? communiquer ? l’oral) sans passer par le long d?tour du savoir explicite sur la langue. Dans cet article, nous cherchons ? savoir quels sont les r?sultats de l’ANL dans le context

    Impact de l'Approche Neurolinguistique sur l'apprentissage des apprenants du français langue étrangère en Iran

    E Mohammadi, MR Gashmardi, R Rahmatian, H Shairi
    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    La pédagogie inversée en FLE: impact sur l’apprentissage des enfants

    Journal Paper , , {Pages }


    Cognitive Teaching: Importance of Cognitive Neuroscience in the Teaching of Foreign Languages

    Mahmoud Reza Gashmardi
    Journal PaperLanguage Related Research , Volume 8 , Issue 4, 2017 January , {Pages 47-70 }


    For a long time ago, man has sought to understand the mental processes in reasoning, decision making, learning and other mental activities. But the scientific study of the human mind began a few decades ago with the advent of cognitive science. In order to be update and have access to new developments, some sciences tend to cognitive science as the use of the term ‘cognitive’shows it and amongst them we can mention ‘cognitive psychology’,‘cognitive linguistics’,‘cognitive neuroscience’, and so on. Language teaching, as an interdisciplinary science, should take advantage of contributions from cognitive science to develop and to use them in practice. At first, it may seem a little hard to make a direct link between language te

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